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Cheater's Paradise
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Cheater’s Paradise
The Adventures of Bob the Bouncer
Copyright 2014 Geoff Lynch
Chapter 1
Knock three times
Ten after one in the afternoon, Mark, the photographer returned from lunch. The promo shoot was set up in the back room of a client's salon and no one was supposed to be there over lunch break. Mark knocked on the door out of habit and walked in on his model and the man that drove her to the shoot. They were both naked on the bed Mark had put together for the session. The woman, a stripper named Cathy Ray was nude, sitting on top of the nude man who Mark didn’t know.
Embarrassed Mark said, “Excuse me,”
The couple stopped what they were doing and made light of the situation. The man said, “No problem,” and Marked stepped back out of the room. At first Mark was a bit perturbed that the couple had used the makeshift prop for their own pleasure while he was away getting lunch at the fast food taco place down the street. Then he calmed down and waited in a spare room until they were done.
The fourth party to this group, the stripper who owned the property, the same one who set up the shoot for her friend wasn’t back yet. So Mark sat alone playing with his phone all alone. Then ten minutes later the couple emerged from down the hall all giggles trying to make nice with Mark. He smiled as the man left the building and Cathy sat down next to him. It was awkward so neither of them brought up the sex, they talked about her kids instead.
Mark knew that Cathy was married, he also knew this man wasn’t her husband. That fact was brought up during the first part of the shoot. The man was more than happy to sit in on the shoot as Cathy posed for nude promo shots. Cathy was an exotic dancer going by the stage name of Danni, and wanted some material to send off to porn sites and get jobs at strip clubs.
Then the owner of the property showed up, a stripper and porn star who wanted shots of her own, only her shots were to be with Cathy in a lesbian erotic themed shoot. The owner, Genie, had a long career selling herself to men, and she knew how to do it.
The three went back into the room that was set up with the fake bed prop and resumed what they were doing before lunch. Mark checked his camera gear as the two girls stripped off their clothes and climbed onto the mattress. Taking direction from Mark, Cathy lay on her back and Genie lay on top of her with one of Cathy’s nipples in her mouth, and her hand grasping the other breast. The two froze in place as Mark posed and fired off shot after shot.
Once that setup was done, Mark changed the girls to a face to face embrace with a deep kiss. Neither girl had a problem locking lips and seemed very comfortable skin on skin. Again the umbrella flash lit up the room with a constant rain of shots. The girls moved positions again, this time sitting on the edge of the bed, Mark directed Cathy to put her left hand in Genies crotch and insert a finger. In went the finger and more shots clicked away.
For another forty five minutes, Marked posed the girls in various lesbian sex positions and took pictures. He was easily up to six hundred pictures by now and had no intention of stopping. Then Cathy signaled that she was done, her ride had come back and she had to leave soon. “When will the pictures be ready?” Cathy asked.
“Give me two days and I’ll have all the best ones edited and sent through your email,” Mark replied. His cock was hard under his pants but he had no way of releasing his new found tension. These girls were all business, at least he thought so. “Are you sure your husband won’t see these?” Mark asked.
“Oh, I don’t care if he sees the lesbian shoot, I don’t want him to know about Chad though. We are having major issues right now and I don’t need this adding to it,” Cathy said.
Mark looked away from Cathy to his camera as he was tearing down his gear. “How long have you been cheating on your husband?”
Cathy was almost insulted at the question. She didn’t like the tone at all. “For two years,” she replied.
“Why don’t you divorce him and get it over?”
“I can’t afford to right now, not until I get steady work.”
“How steady is stripping?”
“I know girls that have worked at the same club for years,” Cathy replied.
“Sounds a little gypsy to me,” Mark replied.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you work for the club, or do you work freelance?”
“I’m my own contractor.”
“So your employment is tenuous at best.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you don’t have a steady job, not in the sense that most people do. You’re more of a gypsy, living day to day.”
“Just because I don’t fill out a job application doesn’t mean it’s not steady work.”
“Do you get sick time? Vacation time? Any insurance benefits?”
Cathy instantly got angry, she knew she needed insurance for her kids and that she got none from the club. What Mark said was dead on and it pissed her off. “No, I don’t get insurance, but I can buy it on my own!” she snapped back.
“Hey, no need to get pissed, I was just asking a question.”
“I work hard for my money, do you think its easy working in a strip club?”
“You dance, how hard can that be?”
“Now you’re really pissing me off, do you want me to go back on the deal we made?”
“I’m shooting you for free, you go back on the deal and you’re the one losing out. I can find girls like you anytime and anyplace.”
“What does that mean?”
Now pissed, Mark barked back,” Girls like you are a dime a dozen, you all think you’re the hottest thing in the world because you can put on makeup, dance around a pole, shake your tits and get dollar bills. Let me tell you, that’s not too high on the job skills list.”
“Neither is taking pictures! Anyone with a camera can do what you do.”
“I agree, but not as well as I can,” Mark said with a smile.
“And not all girls dance as well as I can,” Cathy replied.
“Let me fill you in on one thing. Men don’t give a shit about your dancing, Men want to see a live woman shake her tits, smile at him and spread her legs for his viewing pleasure. You are nothing but a sex meat Popsicle. Hell, I would think that the dancing part would get in the way. If you did nothing but stand there naked, the men would still show up. It’s not rocket science, men are horny fuckers.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, for one I am a man, and for two, when I was growing up, I used to watch my sister in the shower through a peephole just to get my jollies. She was built and had the best ass you ever seen.”
“You are talking about your sister, that’s gross.”
“I just took six hundred pictures of you eating out a woman you never met before. You want to discuss gross? At least my sister was clean.”
“I’ve had enough of you and your conversation, you send me my pictures right away.”
“Just as soon as you sign my model release form.”
“Model release form? What is that?”
“It allows me the legal right to use your photographs, like for advertising.”
“Why would I sign that?”
“Because if you don’t I’ll delete them. I can’t use them for advertising if you don’t give me legal permission.”
“What else are you going to use them for?”
“I don’t know,” Mark replied.
“I want to talk to my lawyer first,” Cathy replied.
“If I had known you were going to pull this bullshit, I would have stayed home.”
“I wasn’t aware of this until now.”
“Aware of what?”
“That a release had to be signed. I didn’t think you would use
the pictures for anything. They are my pictures, not yours.”
“Did you think I was going to work my ass off for nothing? Granted, I do like watching random women having sex with each other, but this is my job. If you don’t sign the release, the pictures are history.”
“How do I know that? You might keep them.”
“Yes, I might, and legally I can. You willingly posed for them, they are on my camera, I am the photographer who owns all copyrights. Technically, these pictures are mine.”
“No, I’ll call my lawyer and sue you.”
“Good luck, have him explain copyright to you while you’re on the phone.”
With that said, Mark and Cathy continued to clean up without talking to each other. The tension in the room was pretty thick and now; Cathy was sure her lesbian pictures would end up all over the internet. Maybe she should call her boyfriend back and have him have a few words with Mark and straighten him out.
“If I see those pictures anywhere, I’ll fuck you up,” Cathy threatened.
“I’ll send you a bill for my time,” Mark replied. “How does two hundred sound?”
“Two hundred dollars? I won’t pay it, I never agreed to that. This was supposed to be free.”
“No, it was supposed to be a trade, you just took my part of the trade away by refusing to sign the model release, now it’s a sale. You just bought my labor and skill for the fair market value of two hundred dollars.”
“Fuck you if you think I’m paying you anything.”
“I’ll take you to small claims,” Mark replied.
“Go ahead, you can’t prove we had an agreement.”
I’ll put these pictures on a cd and give them to the judge, once he sees what’s on them he will realize that I put a lot of work into this and you will lose.”
“I don’t give you permission to give them to a judge,” Cathy said.
“I don’t need your permission, it’s called evidence. And that’s why you will lose, so either sign the model release, or pay me two hundred dollars.”
“I will do neither,” Cathy replied stuffing her panties into a bag. She was finally dressed. “You take me to court and I’ll win. Then you’ll pay me two thousand dollars.”
“You’re fairly stupid aren’t you?” Mark asked. “You have no clue about how life works. You must have spent a lot of time in school fucking off in order to land at this job. How much thinking does it take to shove your pussy in a guy’s face and beg him for a dollar? It’s one step above begging for money in the street.”
“I’m a dancer!” Cathy barked back.
“So what?” Mark replied. “So the fuck what? You serve no purpose, you say you’re a dancer, but in reality, you’re a half step above a prostitute. You don’t impress me, your little affair here didn’t impress me either, and where is your husband? Do you have kids?”
Just then the man in question stepped back in the room after hearing yelling. “What’s going on here?” he asked. His name was Chad.
“This fucker thinks I’m some sort of cheap whore and wants to spread my pictures all over the internet if I don’t sign some fucking contract.”
“Is that right?” Chad asked.
“You have a real winner there mister,” Mark replied. “She fucked up that whole sentence about as bad as any third grader could”
“Then you tell me what’s wrong.”
“I asked her to sign a model release and she refused.”
“Is that right honey?” Chad asked. “You have to sign the release, it’s the law.”
Mark liked what Chad had said, it wasn’t correct, but maybe it would get the release signed.
Cathy pouted and thought for a while. “Give me a pen,” she said and put out her hand.
Mark handed her a pen and showed her where to sign on the release form. She signed it and handed it back to Mark.
“If I find my pictures on some porn site, you’re dead, lawyer or not,” Cathy stated.
Genie decided to speak up. “I’ve known Mark for almost a year, I stand up for him,” she said.
“Fine, but you will be dead. Nobody but me makes money off me besides me. If I find myself on any pay site, you will pay dearly. And there will be no need for a lawyer.”
Cathy and her boyfriend gathered their bags and left the salon leaving Mark and Genie alone.
“Do you want solo shots while I’m here?” Mark asked.
“Yes,” Genie said and laid on the bed nude. She spread her legs and Mark came in for a tight shot. He spend the next two hours taking very sexual nude photos’ of Genie.
Chapter 2
Bob the bouncer
Later that night, Mark stopped out at the “Silver Nugget Gentlemen’s club” to check out some action and see if he could drum up some more business. It was his good friend Bob’s night to bounce and they always had a good time hanging out. Mark stepped through the double doors, walked passed Bob, who usually checked ID’s and sat on the stool next to him.
“How’s it going tonight?” Mark asked.
“Kind of slow,” Bob replied. “Tuesdays usually are.”
“Who’s on tonight?”
“Amanda, Jenny, Clarissa, Anita and Cathy.”
“Cathy? I shot her today, what a stupid bitch.”
“Really? How did that go?”
“We did a lesbian shoot with Genie, it was fucking hot, but then all my shoots are.”
“I’d like to fuck the shit out of Cathy,” Bob said
“Get in line, I walked into her and some guy fucking on my set when I came back from lunch.”
“No way,” Bob replied.
“Did you know Cathy was married?”
“No, she never talks about her personal life.”
“Yeah, we sort of got into it, fucking whore, cheating on her husband for the last two years.”
“I wonder why he never comes in here?”
“He probably does, we just don’t know who he is.”
“I don’t understand these bitches, fucking around on their husbands,” Bob said.
“They get all the attention here at the club and don’t know when to say no,” Mark replied.
“That is one thing that really pisses me off, you know that? Cheaters. My bitch wife cheated on me four times. I have no sympathy for anyone that does that. Once you say “I do” you should mean it. Not, “I do cheat on my husband, or I do fuck up my kids’ lives.”
“I didn’t know your wife cheated on you?” Bob asked.
“Not something I like to brag about,” Mark replied. “I won’t look at Cathy the same way again.”
A half hour later Cathy, stage name Danni, walked up the steps onto the stage. She was dressed in a pink G-string and bra set walking on nine inch heels. She wiped down the pole and started to twirl around to the joy of the men who were watching her. In the crowd was the man who had fucked her at the photo shoot. He wasn’t a regular, so neither Bob nor Mark knew his name. But he had been coming to the club for the last week.
Cathy slid up and down, gyrating to the dance music spreading her legs and running her hands across her midsection. Once the second song started, her top came off exposing her small breasts. It wasn’t her breasts the men were interested in, Cathy had the ass of a Goddess. She would pull a crowd with her top on anytime.
Mark and Bob watched Cathy dance and both agreed she was a piece of shit. Very moralistic for a photographer the specialized in strippers and a bouncer at a nude bar.
“Look, see that guy standing at the bar?” Mark asked.
Bob looked over to where Mark was talking about. “Yeah, is that the guy Cathy was fucking?”
“I’ve seen him here now and then, not a lot. I don’t know who he is,”
“I bet her husband is sitting home right now with her kids while this guy is getting ready for round two.”
“It’s not your problem, don’t worry about it,” Bob said.
“It’s hard, all I can think about is my bitch wif
e fucking any asshole she can find.” Mark replied.
“Why don’t you grab a drink and come back over?”
Mark slid off the stool and walked over to the bar. He sat on another stool and waited while a stripper crawled across the top of the bar to order his drink. “Can I get a rum and Coke?”
The bartender slid the drink across the bar and said, “six fifty.”
Mark had been to this club many times, but never got over the incredibly high drink prices. He pulled out a ten and handed it to the bartender. She made change and looked at the tip jar, Mark ignored her glances and took notice of the man standing at the other end of the bar, the man who laid his naked ass on the bed he had made for his photo shoot. The guy was standing with his hand on his crotch rubbing a bulge. Mark was grossed out and looked at the girl who was now crawling the other way on the bar. She was cute, nice round tits that matched her ass. Long black hair and not too skinny. Just the way he liked them.
“How’s it going?” Mark heard from the strange man with the rubbing issue.
Mark turned to face the stranger. “Fine.”
“How did the pictures turn out?”
“Who are you?”
The guy reached out to shake Marks hand. “My name is Chad. We met today.”
“I know,” Mark replied smugly.
“What’s wrong with you?” Chad asked.
“Nothing, now leave me alone,”
Chad gave Mark an inquisical look and stepped back. “Fine asshole,” Chad said and walked away.
“Hey, one question, have you met Cathy’s husband?”
Chad stepped in closer and replied, “No, and I don’t plan to. Who are you, some sort of police?”
“No, I just don’t like fuckers like you that screw other men’s wives. Now get the fuck away before I really get pissed.”
Mark sat there for a few minutes and walked back over to his seat next to Bob.
“I saw that prick talk to you, what did he say?” Bob asked.
“Not much, just wanted to say hi,”
“From the looks of it, you didn’t have much to talk about,” Bob said.