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Cheater's Paradise Page 2
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Page 2
“No, I wanted to punch the fucker, but I don’t want you to kick me out.”
“I would never kick you out,” Bob said with a smile. “How long are you planning to be here?”
“An hour maybe, I’ve hit up every girl in this place three times for photo shoots, has anyone new been hired lately?” Mark asked.
“There was a girl that came in yesterday that put in an application.”
“Good looking?”
“Average I’d say. Little fat in the hips, but otherwise ok.”
For the next hour, Mark sat by Bob. Bob checked ID’s and Mark watched the girls dance from the door. He always felt special sitting next to Bob when he was in the club, it made him feel like he was a bouncer himself. It gave him a sense of power. Even if it wasn’t real.
“Hey, I’m taking off,” Mark said to Bob.
“Ok, see you later,” Bob replied and Mark left the building.
Bob was a nice guy, all the girls at the club liked him, he was sort of a big brother looking out for them. But Bob had another side, a side that wasn’t so nice that he kept under wraps on duty. He shared Marks disdain for cheaters. There was nothing lower than a cheater and the thought of being near one made his blood boil. He hid it well, not as well as Mark, and for a good reason. He couldn’t afford to let his emotions get the best of him. After three years in prison for assault, he had to learn to curb his emotions and keep his parole officer happy. He also knew that finding another job with his record would be very difficult. In secret, Bob wanted to kill that fucker standing at the bar, he also wanted Cathy to pay for what she had secretly done to her husband.
Growing up, Bob’s mother cheated on his father constantly, and his father took it and it eventually killed him. Bob never got over what his mother did to his father, or to the family, and the experience left a cold place in his heart where hatred and anger lived. The only good cheater was a dead cheater. Only Bob couldn’t do a thing about it and had to let his rage fester inside. All he could do was smile and pretend to kill in his mind. He would never kill in real life, but there were other ways to make those he hated pay. And he was very good at it.
Cathy and another stripper walked over to Bob and stopped to ask a question. Both were super fucking hot and wore only a G-string and a bra top. “Bob, could you do me a favor?” Cathy asked.
“Sure, what is it?” Bob replied.
“What time does your replacement show up?”
“Jack gets here at eleven.”
“Could you run to my place and pick up some stuff I left there?” Cathy asked. She knew Bob was a chump and would do anything she asked.
“Sure, is your place locked?” Bob asked.
“No, my husband is there, I’ll tell him you're coming.”
“Why doesn’t he bring your stuff?” Bob asked.
“He’s watching the kids,” Cathy replied.
“Sure, no problem, I’ll find you after my shift is over,” Bob said. “What’s the stuff for?”
“It’s an overnight bag, I’m going to spend some time with a friend.”
Bob stopped and thought for a second. “Wait, tell you what, I’ll give you a ride home to get your stuff, but I won’t get it by myself. I don’t want to have to explain to him why I’m picking it up.”
“You don’t have to, I told him I was spending the night with a girlfriend.”
“You are? Who?” Bob asked.”
“You’re pretty snoopy aren’t you?” Cathy asked with a smile.
“You can tell me, it’s the least you can do since I’m helping you out.”
Cathy paused for a moment and looked back at the bar. She saw Chad standing there looking back. “It’s the guy at the bar, I’m spending the night with him.”
Bob tried not to shake his head or give any hints that he wasn’t pleased. “Ok, and what do I get out of this favor?”
“What do you want?” Cathy asked.
“I don’t know, I’ll think of something and let you know on our way back to your place.”
Cathy and her stripper friend turned and walked back to the bar where Chad placed his hand on Cathy’s ass and smiled. He knew he was getting round number two and this made him very happy. Why didn’t he give he a ride Bob wondered? Who the fuck knows, maybe he had a wife and needed an alibi as well.
Eleven thirty and Bob’s shift is over. He and Cathy are loaded up in his car heading out of the club parking lot. “What’s your address?” Bob asked.
“3944 Holt street, a block down from McDonalds,” she replied. “Apt. #7”
“Ok,” Bob replied. “I need to get something from home before we go to your place.”
“How far out of the way is that? Chad is expecting me back at the bar in thirty minutes.”
“It’s not that far, you won’t be late.”
Cathy was now a bit nervous, a little about being late and a little about driving to Bob’s. She didn’t know him all that well. For the next ten minutes they drove towards the edge of town and then out into the country. “Where do you live?” she asked.
“I live five miles out on the gravel, it used to be a small hog operation, now it’s an old farm house with a lot of unused buildings.”
“Why do you live there?” Cathy asked.
“My dad is a contractor, he bought it off of one of his clients and rented it out to me. He keeps a lot of his heavy equipment out there and supplies. I only pay two hundred a month and that includes utilities. I’m sort of his paid guard, I keep an eye on his stuff.”
“Why don’t you work with him?”
“I do, I only bounce at night, during the day I’m working construction. Shit, the club only pays me eight bucks an hour.”
“What are we getting from your place?” Cathy asked.
“Nothing, I lied to you,” Bob replied.
“What?” Cathy asked.
“Yeah, I’m going to kidnap you and hide you in my bunker.”
“That’s not funny,” Cathy said concerned.
“I’m not joking, you’re going to be spending a lot of time with me from now on.”
“Turn this car around,” Cathy said. “Turn it around now!”
Bob ignored Cathy and continued to drive towards his place. It was dark and there was no other traffic around.
Cathy took her cell phone from her purse and started pushing numbers, Bob put his hand on the back of her head, grabbed her hair, and shoved her forehead into the dash. The phone fell to the floor and Bob scooped it up and put it under his seat. Cathy held her hand on her head and looked at Bob. “What the fuck are you doing?” she asked.
“Shut the fuck up before I really beat the shit out of you,” Bob said
Cathy lashed out at Bob and began pulling and punching him in the face. Bob hit the brakes and slid the car to a halt kicking up dust all around. He pulled his keys and got out of the car. He walked around and opened Cathy’s side and pulled her out onto the gravel road.
“You will never hit me again, you understand?” Bob said shoving Cathy back against the car.
Cathy looked back in terror and said nothing.
Bob grabbed Cathy by the jaw and squeezed tight looking for a reaction. Trying to get her to fight back and say something. She didn’t.
“Get back in the car,” he said and waited for her to comply. Once she was seated in the passenger's seat, Bob walked around the back of the car and got in the driver’s side. He looked to her and said, “You are a fucking lying cheating whore. I have no use for women like you. If you do anything, and I mean anything to fuck with me or piss me off, you will be nothing but a dream.”
Cathy looked down at her knees not responding.
Bob started the car again and sped off down the gravel road further away from the city behind him. He was pissed and not putting up with any bitches shit. Not tonight, especially from a cheater.
Chapter 3
The Bunker
Cathy stood in a ten by twelve foot underground cell with bars on one side that bo
rdered the walkway back to the stairs to the entrance. Along this walkway were four other cells, all identical, with the same configuration of metal bars. Bob could walk along the walkway and look into each cell without getting too close to whoever was inside. Tonight, Cathy was in the far cell, along with three other girls all in separate cells separated by cinderblock walls. None of the girls could see each other, but they could all see Bob when they walked in front of them. The other girls had been here months, captured and held prisoner by Bob who was now their warden. Working construction all his life, Bob knew how to create exactly what he wanted. Using his father’s materials stored at the farm, and the heavy machinery, he was able to construct his own underground prison, complete with electricity and plumbing.
It took a while, and a lot of knowhow on septic systems and wiring, but the bunker had been completed for over a year now and Bob had his own special prison. A prison for women he hated, and now Cathy was one of them.
The rooms were basic, cement floor, cinderblock walls on three sides and a toilet and shower with no covering. At one side of the room was a twin bed and a laundry basket. Everything the women did could be seen from the walk way. Attached to the walls in the walkways were video cameras that monitored the women at all times and could be viewed back at the farmhouse at Bob’s leisure
“How do you like your new home?” Bob asked.
“You can’t keep me locked up here,” Cathy replied.
“Really? Ask the other three girls if that’s so,” he replied.
Cathy approached the bars and tried to look down the pathway. All she could see was the wall and some video cameras. “Hey, can anybody hear me?” she yelled from her cell.
“They’ve been trained not to talk, I like it that way,” Bob said smugly.
“Trained? How?” Cathy asked.
“I beat the shit out of them after raping them, it seems to be a good motivator.”
“What kind of sick fuck are you?” Cathy asked.
“What kind of sick fuck are you?” Bob asked back. “You lie and cheat, you made yourself worthless a long time ago.”
“I am not worthless!” Cathy yelled.
“I’m not debating you, but I will say this. I’m going to take a shower, and in an hour I’m coming back to rape you, so there’s your warning. When I leave you can chat with the other girls. They might give you some advice on how to take it. I think I’m pretty good myself, but you might not, not as good as that fucker you fucked today at the photo shoot.”
“How do you know about that?”
“I have a lot of good friends, let’s put it that way. You will meet some later on this week. I rent you gals out for extra spending money now and then.”
“Rent?” Cathy asked.
“Don’t get too self-righteous, you rent yourself out every night, I have a better clientele. They come from out of town, way out of town.”
Ninety minutes later, Bob returned to the bunker from taking a shower at the house. He walked past the three girls who were in the cells before Cathy and stopped at the end. There he saw Cathy sitting on the toilet.
“I want you to take a shower before I fuck you,” Bob said scaring the shit out of Cathy.
She turned and looked out the bars to where Bob was standing in the walk way. “If you think you’re fucking me you have another thing coming,” she replied not moving from the stool.
“Did you happen to chat with the other girls?” Bob asked.
“A little,” Cathy replied.
“Did they tell you how I get my way?” Bob asked.
“Yeah, and I got to see it to believe it, you don’t scare me.”
Bob smiled and continued to watch Cathy on the toilet. He was going to have fun breaking this bitch. On the left side of each set of bars was a makeshift door that Bob had built from scratch. It too was made of bars and set on hinges like any other prison door. Bob had never built anything like this, but he enjoyed the process and was an excellent welder. Each door was fitted with a half inch thick steel chain and padlock. At the front entrance of the lower bunker was another set, only this was a combination lock, just in case one of the girls got out. His third line of captivity was steel door at the top of the stars that took a punch key code.
“When you’re done, take off your clothes.”
“You realize I’m not going to do that don’t you?” Cathy asked.
Bob walked out of view and came back with a water hose. “See that drain down there?” he asked pointing the tip of the hose down. “That’s how I clean your pens and take care or naughty girls. Now strip or you get the hose, and let me tell you, this water is fucking freezing.”
Cathy got up from the toilet and wiped. She looked at Bob with the hose standing behind the bars and knew she wasn’t going down without of fight. She zipped up her pants and snapped the button. Then Bob let loose with the hose spraying her with cold water. The feeling of the water on her skin felt painful and caused her to haunch down to stop the spray from hitting her. Bob didn’t let up, he was there to teach her a lesson. For the next fifteen minutes he sprayed her to the point of hypothermia. If she survived, she would never deny him again.
The next morning Bob stopped into the bunker to drop off breakfast. It wasn’t much, just a bowl of dry dog food. As a plumber, he was able to install a drinking fountain in each cell so he didn’t have to supply water each day to each girl. He stopped over to Cathy’s cell and saw that she was lying in bed. “Good morning Cathy,” Bob said.
Cathy rolled over and looked at Bob. The floor was still damp and she could see his reflection in the water.
“You ready to fuck? I have an hour before work.”
Cathy crawled out of bed, walked over to the bars, pulled her pants and panties down to her ankles and bent over leaning against the bars. She had no fight, she was willing to give in. Then she felt his fingers dig inside her pussy and grind around for a while.
“Now that’s better, slide down a little,” he said.
Cathy slid down and expected to be penetrated by Bob any second, instead she felt his boot kick her in the ass sending her onto the damp cement floor.
“The next time I say I want to fuck, you will be at the bars in five seconds ready to go. If not, you will wish you were.”
Cathy nodded and stood back up. “Do I get some clothes?” She asked.
“Yeah, I’ll bring you some after work. You won’t like them, they didn’t come from a fancy store at the mall, but you will wear them. Any complaints and you will be naked all the time. Now take a shower and make your bed.”
“What am I supposed to do all day?” Cathy asked.
“Talk with the bitches, I don’t have cable down here. Whores don’t deserve cable.”
The final door closed with a slam and the girls were locked up while Bob went to his construction job. Cathy walked up to the bars and called out, “Can anybody hear me?”
“Yes,” she heard, then another and another till the other three captives were accounted for. “What the fuck is going on?” Cathy asked.
A female voice spoke up, “I’ve been here three weeks, he’s a monster, whatever you do, don’t piss him off,”
Then another voice spoke up, “I’ve been here six months, he’s a freak and I agree, whatever you do. Don’t piss him off.”
“Why?” Cathy asked.
“He hates women, he gets off on torturing us.”
“Why are you in here? How does he know you?” Cathy asked.
“He calls us cheaters, he says we deserve what we get.”
“Is it true, did you cheat on him?”
“No, not on him, but yes, I was cheating on my husband when he kidnapped me.”
“How did he find out?”
“He has friends at the bar where he works at, they tell him things. He uses his job at the bar to get what he wants.”
“I’ve only been working there a short time, I don’t know anything about him.”
“All you know is that he treats us like an
imals, did you see he feeds us dog food? He must think of us as dogs.”
Cathy thought for a second and a thought came to her. “Have you tried to escape?”
At one time, all the girls spoke up creating more of a noise than an answer. “One at a time,” Cathy said.
“This place is escape proof, you’d need the keys to get out, and even then the last door needs a number code.”
“Have you tried to overpower him?”
“He keeps us half starved, I personally don’t have the energy to fight with him. And he has ways of making us comply with his demands.”
“Like what?” Cathy asked.
“You got the cold hose last night didn’t you? He keeps that thing running until you turn blue and can’t move, then he comes in and fucks with you.”
“I don’t remember him doing anything with me.”
“Don’t be surprised.”
“How do you stand it?”
“What choice do we have? We sit here all day and talk to each other. He feeds us once a day and rapes us at least twice a week.”
“Has there been more girls? Or are you the only ones?”
“There was one other one,” a girl from down the walkway replied, “She’s been gone for a few months now.”
“Where did she go?” Cathy asked.
“He doesn’t tell us anything, if we asked, he would punish us.”
Cathy picked up her bowl of dog food and brought it back to her bed. Her floor had dried but was cold to her bare feet. She felt like a hot shower would perk her up. She could hear the other women still talking but chose to ignore them for now, she wasn’t feeling well. Luckily, there were towels set aside by the shower along with some general hygiene products. Toothpaste, a toothbrush, a hairbrush and some shampoo. No razor, he made sure the girls had no easy way out.
She walked over to the shower, a simple shower head sticking from the cinderblock wall and turned on the water. There was no surround, she was visible from the walkway where a video camera was set up pointing into the cell. She was used to being nude, so this wasn’t a big deal to her. She stepped into the shower and let the hot water bathe her. She felt good for the first time all day.