Cheater's Paradise Read online

Page 3

  Then she heard a female voice come over a speaker, “If you need more towels, I can get you more,”

  Now she knew she was being watched.

  “If you need more towels, wave your arms,” the voice said.

  Cathy waved her arms and the water splashed in her face.

  “Thanks,” the voice said and it was quiet again, except for the sound of the water.

  “Who are you?” she yelled out. No reply. She waved her arms again.

  “Do you need something?” the voice asked.

  “Who are you?” Cathy yelled.

  “You don’t need to know who I am,” the voice replied.

  “The least you can do is tell me who you are!”

  “If you need anything, let me know, I can get you basic things, and Bob is getting you clothes, but if there isn’t anything pressing, like Tampax or something, I’ll be saying goodbye.”

  The speaker went quiet and Cathy stood still in the shower. She was confused and angry. Taking a deep breath, she continued on with the shower and washed her hair. The hot water was the only thing that made her feel comfortable.

  Once the shower was done, she toweled off and dug through the laundry basket. She found a plain pair of white cotton panties and that was it. She walked over to the camera and held up the underwear and tried to get someone’s attention.

  “Yes, can I help you?” the female voice asked. The woman on the other side sounded to be in her fifties.

  “These are way too big for me!” Cathy shouted.

  “You don’t have to shout, I can hear you fine with the shower off. Bob took your clothes last night and we have your size on record. You will get your correct size when he gets back.”

  “Whose were these?” Cathy asked.

  There was no response and Cathy stood naked before the camera facing the bars and the walkway. She turned back and walked to the bed. There was no point in putting these on, they would fall right off, she was naked and she knew that’s what Bob and this woman wanted. They wanted her to feel vulnerable. It worked, she felt like anyone could come and take her at any time.

  Then a clunk and a clank from down the walkway. Bob was back. Cathy could hear Bobs boot clopping on the cement floor and knew he was walking down to her cell. In a moment he was standing in front of her, behind the bars carrying a plastic sack. “I got some goodies for you,” Bob said. He reached in the bag and pulled out a white tank top. He reached through the bars and tossed it on the floor at Cathy’s feet. “Try that on,” he said.

  Cathy picked up the tank top and put it on, it was a tight fit and squeezed down on her breasts. “The woman on the speaker said you took down my size, this is way too small.”

  “I always pick them small, that way I can see your tits better.”

  “I hope you have a bra in that sack,” she said flat.

  “Oh fuck no, cheating bitches don’t get no bra.” Bob then pulled out some socks and tossed them at Cathy. He dug to the bottom of the sack and pulled out some bikini style white cotton panties and threw them at her as well.

  “No pants? No shirts?” Cathy asked.

  “You’re a fucking whore, you get what I give you. You don’t like it, I’ll give you a rope so you can hang yourself from that pipe.” Bob said pointing to the ceiling. “That chair should be tall enough to get you up there, and I can make the noose for you if you like.”

  “No, that’s ok, the underwear will be fine,” she said looking up at the pipe on the ceiling.

  “Now, just so you know, I plan on fucking you in twenty minutes, so get ready.”

  “Get ready? How do I get ready to be raped?” Cathy asked.

  “Same way you got ready to cheat on your husband I suppose. Grease up your pussy and do some squats. Are you on the pill?”

  “I’m on Depo,” she replied.

  “Depo? As long as you don’t get pregnant, that’s fine with me, I don’t like using a rubber.”

  “What are you, thirteen? Nobody says rubber anymore. The word is condom.”

  “No, the word is my cock up your ass dry if you don’t stop fucking with me, you have fifteen minutes.”

  Chapter 4

  Lost and found

  Later that evening at the “Silver Nugget Gentlemen’s club”, two uniformed police officers entered the club like they did on occasion making their presence known. They came several times a month just to check in and make sure the club owners knew they were monitoring the customers. This time was different, this time they stopped to talk to Bob the bouncer and ask him some questions.

  “Is your name Robert Lane?” the first officer asked.

  Bob was a little surprised, usually the cops walked right in and made their rounds around the club as if he wasn’t even there. “Yes,” Bob replied trying to be as professional as he could.

  “Do you know Cathy Jackson?” the officer asked.

  “Are you talking about the Cathy that dances here at the club?”

  “Yes, I believe so,”

  “I’ve met her,” Bob replied.

  “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but she’s missing, when was the last time you saw her?”

  “Last night,” Bob replied.

  “About what time?”

  “I gave her a ride home,” Bob said. “It was after eleven.”

  “I see, did you see her enter her house?” the officer asked.

  “No, I dropped her off at the corner and left.”

  The officer took out a notepad and wrote down what Bob said.

  “Do you know if anyone else saw her after you dropped her off?”


  “Was she scheduled to work tonight?”

  “I don’t do scheduling, I work the door. You’d have to ask the manager, she’s the dark skinned lady with black hair behind the bar. Her name is Maria.”

  “We already did, would you mind coming down to the station with us, and we’d like to talk to you further in private.”

  “I can’t leave, there has to be someone to watch the door and check ID’s”

  “Your manager Maria said she’d call someone in to replace you. He should be here anytime.”

  “Are you arresting me?” Bob asked.

  “Arresting you for what?” the officer asked.

  “I don’t know, you’re asking me to go down and answer questions, you must think I’m guilty of something.”

  “Not necessarily, you happen to be the last person seen with her, and this is a missing person’s case.”

  “I thought you had to be missing like three days before they declared someone missing.”

  “Depends on the situation, in this case there is some suspicion that foul play may be involved.”

  “Really? Foul play?” Bob asked. “Based on what?”

  “We can discuss this at the station,” the officer said.

  Bob, a quick thinker popped back with, “If I’m not under arrest, I’m going nowhere. I have a job to do.”

  The officers knew they had little to detain Bob with. They were hoping he would go down voluntarily. “It would be in your best interest to go down and clear your name.”

  “Clear it from what? Is there a crime I’m not aware of?”

  “Not right now, but we’d like to find this woman soon before there is one.”

  “Just because she’s gone for a day doesn’t mean anything. She probably booked a dancing gig at another bar. Have you checked the other bars in town?’

  “Yes, and she’s not at any of them, now please, can we go downtown and talk about this?”

  “No,” Bob said and stared at the officer in the face waiting for his next comment. There was none, the officer put his note pad back in his pocket and both turned and walked out of the club.

  Maria watched the officers leave and waved Bob over to the bar. He hopped off his stool and walked over to where Maria was standing off to the side where no one could hear them talk. “Bob, what’s going on? Where’s Cathy?”

  “Why are you asking me
? I dropped her off at home last night, I’m not responsible for where she goes after that.”

  Maria shook her head in disbelief. “I have a funny feeling about this Bob. Are you sure you took her home?”

  Shocked at her response, Bob got pissed and replied, “I’m pretty sure I know what I do and where and when I do it.”

  “Cathy is having problems, are you sure you didn’t take her somewhere to hide from her husband?”

  “Yes I’m sure, I took her to her house, let her out at the corner and went home.”

  “Then why are the cops here?”

  “They wouldn’t say.”

  “Somebody must have seen you take her somewhere, or else they wouldn’t be snooping around.”

  “I have a job to do Maria, I’m going back to the door.”

  Maria waved Bob off and turned back to the register. Bob walked back to his station at the door and sat down. Now he was pissed. Not even the girls dancing all around the club could cheer him up. Then his replacement showed up.

  “Hey, Maria called and asked me to fill in tonight,” the new bouncer said. Bob was so pissed that he agreed to go and punched out. He headed back home to vent his frustrations.

  Thirty minutes later, Bob was back home. He pulled up in the driveway and headed into the house. Now that the police were watching him, he couldn’t use the front door of the bunker to get in, he had to use the back door that led from the basement of the house to the opposite side of the bunker where Cathy was housed. On his way he passed his mother Julie Anne, the woman who was on the speaker before talking to Cathy.

  “What are you doing home so soon?” Bobs mother asked.

  “The cops showed up and wanted to take me in for questioning, Maria brought in Jake to replace me so I decided to come home.”

  “Won’t the police be looking for you?”

  “I’m not under arrest, they can’t make me come in.”

  “But they can watch you,” she said.

  “Yes, and that’s why I came in the house instead of going straight into the bunker.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “I’m really pissed and I’m going to take it out on one of my girls.”

  “Can I watch?” Bob's mother asked.

  “I don’t like it when you watch me mom.”

  “But I get so bored here, I never get to watch the fun stuff.”

  Bob took a deep breath and leaned back on the kitchen counter thinking hard. “Fine, you can watch, I do think it’s weird that you would watch your son rape someone.”

  “Since your father passed away, I don’t get much attention in that way. In a way it turns me on.”

  “Are you planning on masturbating while you watch?” Bob asked.

  “I have my vibrator in the desk,” she replied.

  Bob left the room and headed down the back stairs to the basement. He made his way to the underground door to the tunnel that led to the bunker. He quickly unlocked the door and closed it behind him. After thirty feet, he was down the tunnel and at the back door of the bunker. A quick key code later and he was in the bunker on the walkway in front of Cathy’s cell. She was lying on the bed resting.

  Bob turned and looked at Cathy through the bars. She was the newest girl and the first one she came across. She would work. “Get up!” he yelled. Cathy didn’t respond. “Get up bitch!” he yelled. She turned and looked at Bob.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “Stand up and get over here,” Bob barked.

  Cathy got up and walked over to Bob, she was wearing a white t shirt and panties.

  “Take them off,” he demanded.

  Cathy complied without responding. She pulled down her panties and slipped off her t shirt standing naked in front of Bob. The only thing between them was the bars.

  Bob took out his keys and unlocked the door to Cathy’s cell. He pushed open the door and locked it again. He then stepped over to Cathy and took her breasts in his hands and made like bread dough. She had no expression. He bent over and took her left nipple in his mouth and sucked. Still she did nothing.

  “What’s wrong bitch? You don’t like getting your titty sucked?” Bob asked.

  Cathy didn’t reply and acted like she was in another room.

  “Get over to the bed,” he said pointing to where she had been napping.

  Cathy walked over to the bed and stood there like a robot.

  “Lay down,” Bob said. “And spread your legs.” Cathy lay on the bed and complied. Bob pulled down his pants and let his flaccid penis hang. “You need to get me hard bitch.”

  Cathy looked to the side and ignored Bob. Now enraged, Bob leaned over and punched Cathy in the face. She didn’t respond. Bob puncher her again. “You deaf bitch?” he snapped in a rage.

  Cathy didn’t respond.

  Chapter 5

  Picture time

  Mark was busy putting together a set in another girl’s house for a photo shoot when his phone rang. It was Bob.

  “Hello?” Mark asked.

  “Hey, what you doing?” Bob asked.

  “Getting ready to shoot another stripper, why?”

  “I need your help, the cops were in the club a few night ago asking me about Cathy. Have they contacted you?”

  “No, why would they?” Mark asked.

  “I didn’t know if anyone overheard us talking about her at the club, they seem to think I have something to do with her disappearance.”

  “Why would they think that?”

  “I gave her a ride home that night, they say I was the last one to see her.”

  “Holy fuck dude, sounds like you’re in some deep shit.”

  “I know,”

  “If the cops contact me, I’ll tell them I don’t know anything about it.”

  “Good, whatever you do, don’t tell them about our conversation, I don’t need them knowing how much I hate that bitch.”

  “If you hate her so much, why did you give her a ride home?”

  “I can’t afford to have any of the girls at the club dislike me, they are like a flock of birds, once you get one pissed at you, they all get pissed at you and then they find an excuse to fire you. I played along when she asked for a ride.”

  “Ok, I see, I won’t say anything.”

  Nervously, Bob replied, “Thanks.” and hung up.

  Mark went back to what he was doing when the model walked over to look at the set. She was tall, blonde and hot as fuck. She wore a pair of six inch heels and nothing else. Bob was used to these women parading around nude in front of him like it was nothing.

  “Are you about ready?” she asked.

  Mark looked over at her and almost went into shock looking at her curvy smooth tits. “Yeah, go ahead and sit on the chair.”

  The model, a stripper that went by the stage name “Precious” sat back in the chair and crossed her legs like she was tanning on the beach.

  “You might want to spread those,” Mark said with a nervous giggle.

  Precious spread her legs wide and smiled as Mark moved in for his first shots. She was very good at modeling and moved about as Mark snapped away.

  “Hey, did you hear about that stripper that went missing?” Precious asked as she posed.

  “Yeah, I shot her a few days ago,” Mark replied.

  “Really? So you knew her?”

  “No, she was brought in by Genie to do some lesbian stuff, I didn’t know her at all.”

  “That’s such a weird coincidence.”

  “Yeah, she was cute, really good at the lesbian stuff.”

  “I bet,” Precious said.

  “There was one odd thing though, I walked in on her and her lover having sex on my set during our lunch break. Creepy fucker.”

  “Maybe he kidnapped her?” Precious asked. She was now standing, bent over letting her tits hang down for the camera.

  Mark never thought of that, and that made perfect sense, who else would have taken her, besides her pissed off husband? “You migh
t be onto something there.”

  “Do you think the police know about him?”

  “I don’t know, they didn’t contact me.”

  “Maybe you should, she might be tied up in his basement right now.”

  “Thing is, I don’t know his name, all I know is that he comes to the club once and a while. Now that Cathy’s gone, I bet he don’t come back.”

  “Yeah, but someone might know who he is. If you tell the police, they can interview the staff and customers.”

  Mark paused from taking pictures and thought about what Precious had just said. Maybe he was the only person who could help Cathy.

  Precious again sat in the chair and spread her legs wide, Mark could tell she was getting turned on by the wetness of her pussy and the smell she was emitting. “Get a really good close up,” she said pulling her labia apart.

  Mark moved in close with the camera and Precious took it from him. He was a bit surprised and then shocked as she pulled his face into her pussy. “Do you mind?” she asked. “I’m really horny right now.”

  Mark, a married man, was now freaking out. He had never crossed the line at a photo shoot and now he was face deep in wet pussy. Eating her out would go against everything that he felt was right, but the raging boner in his pants told him otherwise. Almost instinctively, he began to lick and suck on her smooth pink pussy. Precious closed her eyes and relaxed as Mark had his way with her. For the moment, all sanity and judgment was out the door. Mark was as guilty as the women he hated for cheating.

  But at this point, all he could think about was what he was doing and how good it felt. He almost preferred to eat pussy than to get laid. It was odd, and he knew it, but pussy was his Holy Grail and he just found it.

  Ten minutes later, Precious orgasmed and shot juice into Mark’s mouth. “Thanks,” she said. Mark lay back and tried to move with a raging hard on in his pants. He looked down at his bulge and up at Precious. She shook her head no. “There’s a bathroom down the hall if you want to finish.”